The A-3-2-1 XLR has taken off! Join us as we take you on a 10-day internationa…

The A-3-2-1 XLR has taken off! 

Join us as we take you on a 10-day internationa...

The A-3-2-1 XLR has taken off! ✈️

Join us as we take you on a 10-day international route-proving campaign “en route” to certification. This is where the #A321XLR gets to demonstrate its systems maturity well before entry-into-service, with a target of approximately 100 hours flying time over 10 days in as close to airline operating conditions as possible.

Check all on-the-fly updates in the link in our bio.

Don’t forget to #ScanMeIfYouCan 😎 #airbus #avgeeks #planespotters #airbuslovers #plane #instaplane #aviation #instaaviation #aviationlovers


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