Aviation contributes over 2% of man-made CO2 emissions. We are committed to taki…

Aviation contributes over 2% of man-made CO2 emissions. We are committed to taki...

Aviation contributes over 2% of man-made CO2 emissions. We are committed to taking environmental responsibility and are actively reducing emissions throughout our value chain, here’s how:

✈️ Pioneering disruptive technologies and continuously improving the fuel-efficiency of our products
🏭 Reducing our environmental impact on our sites and in our operations
🛰️ Addressing the challenge of climate change with insights from our satellites
📉 Setting ourselves climate targets and reporting on a wide variety of metrics in our governance documents and directly to industry bodies. #ProgressWithPurpose #futureofflight #innovation #decarbonisation #ParisAirShow #avgeeks #aviationgeek #aviationlovers #aviation #instaaviation #Airbus

sumber: http://instagram.com/p/Ct5-QZFoXdC

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