is proud to be a trusted partner of the @usairforce for the Battlefield Airborne…

is proud to be a trusted partner of the @usairforce for the Battlefield Airborne...

#BombardierDefense is proud to be a trusted partner of the @usairforce for the Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN). This is the 7th #Global6000 aircraft delivered to serve as a unique and reliable airborne communication platform that has become essential for critical missions worldwide.

#BombardierDéfense est fière d’être un partenaire de confiance de l’@usairforce pour le Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN). Il s’agit du 7e avion #Global6000 livré pour servir de plateforme de transmission aéroportée unique et fiable qui est devenue essentielle pour les missions critiques dans le monde entier.

#defense #military #army #missions #BACN #armedforces #militarytechnology #defensetechnology #security


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